Thursday, 30 June 2016

Peace and Riot

Peace and Riot

Peace and Riot
Ha Ha. A laugh a minute
Being sick on drink

The peace with the offer
of a quiet hangover
being damaged

The riot police
The main man has
been shown no mercy

We are all in the doldrums
of servitude
Only in the haven of paradise
should I be enslaved

Crying in my beer
Having been sick on medication
Empty threats
Time gentlemen please. Cheers
The Peace and Riot of

substance abuse

Thursday, 16 June 2016

The Pig Went Oink

The Pig Went Oink

The pig went oink
And that was the man's last
desperate attempt to stay human

The birds chattered in the
If I had let them go
The cats would have mauled them

We had a dog who was put down
when my first nephew was born
Because of diseased eyes
To this day I wonder why the
bitch never liked me

We had a pet mouse
Who got lost
What puzzles me
Why could we not live a better
life with the love of such

I suppose because in the end
we tried to save our bacon
The pig went grunt
The beginning of a massive breakdown
He went free all his life

But he was eventually charged